RIDF Indonesia
Evaluation of the Indonesian Regional Infrastructure Development Fund
There are two main objectives: one is to improve understanding about the development impact of infrastructure projects through pilot impact evaluations; the other is to enhance the capacity of implementing agency PT.SMI to conduct impact evaluations, in order to better assess effects and sustainability of investments.
The Regional Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), set up by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance in partnership with the World Bank, provides capital for municipal infrastructure lending. Examples are loans for the development of public markets, hospitals and roads. The RIDF is implemented by PT. Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (PT.SMI). In addition, the World Bank provides technical assistance on impact evaluation. Given our experience both in Indonesia and on impact evaluation, AIGHD’s role within this project is to guide and monitor the quality of the impact evaluation work.
World Bank
PT. Sarana Multi Infrastruktur
World Bank