
INVITATION We are happy to invite you to attend the public defense by Sonia Boender of her thesis: Long-term effects of HIV treatment in sub-Saharan Africa: from access to quality. Friday 20 May at 12.00 hours. Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, 1012 EZ Amsterdam Promotores: Prof. dr. T.F. Rinke de Wit (Universiteit van...

On April 22 Peter Reiss and Raph Hamers were interviewed by NPO1. "HIV resistance in Africa is no surprise", says Reiss, "resistance should always be taken into account when prescribing HIV medication". In areas where drugs come (too) late, patients take meds in a less...

Next week the 10th, from 3 to 6 May,  INTEREST Workshop will take place. The abstracts of three of our researchers - Stefanie Kroeze, Ragna Boerma and Seth Inzaule - have been approved and will be presented at the multiple day conference in Yaoundé, Cameroon: “Tenofovir-containing first-line ART...

AIGHD researcher Raph Hamers in the Dutch Press (NRC Handelsblad and Aidstherapy in Africa is in danger because of drug resistancy of the AIDS virus. Patients do not receive their drugs on time or lack a strict regime to take them. The occurence of a...

At the end of the 20th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases in Budapest (7 - 9 April) Rosan van Zoest received one of the two young investigator awards for best poster presentation for her work on “Primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention is suboptimal in both...

Six colleagues who were working in the HIV field - Joep Lange, Jacqueline van Tongeren, Pim de Kuijer, Lucie van Mens, Glenn Thomas, and Martine De Schutter – were killed when their flight en route to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over the Ukraine in...

Last Thursday, 24 March, Hanneke Borgdorff successfully defended her PhD, titled "The Vaginal Microbiome, associations with sexually transmitted infections and the mucosal immune response". In a fully packed Agnietenkapel, friends and colleagues listened to her enthusiastic lecture and defense. ...