Sex worker risk for gonorrhoea

Sex workers can be at higher risk for gonorrhoea and the reasons are varied and interrelated. AIGHD researcher Gabriela Gomez and her colleagues developed a framework of gonorrhoea risk that can help in the design of research studies. The analysis of findings from such studies can then inform the development of tailored prevention programmes for female sex workers. The framework is based on a systematic review of the literature. The authors propose a hierarchical analysis strategy relevant to understanding risk formation. It could prove useful in identifying determinants that are part of a causal pathway that is amenable to effective prevention strategies. The publication is part of a supplement in the Journal of Infectious Diseases dedicated to the development and application of theoretical frameworks to the study of sexually transmitted diseases. Other publications of interest in this supplement include in-depth analyses of themes such as migration, concurrency, sex work prices, and seroadaptive behaviours in relation to the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections.

Risk Pathways for Gonorrhea Acquisition in Sex Workers: Can We Distinguish Confounding From an Exposure Effect Using A Priori Hypotheses?

Authored by: Gomez GB, Ward H, Garnett GP
In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID). (2014) 210 (suppl 2): S579-S585. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiu484